Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor
Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor

commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor
  1. #Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor software
  2. #Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor code
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This will use VICE to create TEST.D64 including ww6 and the two overlays

  • In the Build folder, run createDiskWithOverlays.bat.
  • This will parse the symbol files (labels, labelsd) determine the location of the overlay in each file, and write out ov1.prg and ov2.prg.

    #Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor windows

  • In the Build folder, run extractOverlays.ps1 (tested only on Windows 10).
  • Run asm.bat to assemble Word Writer 6 versions with both overlays.
  • This will assemble and launch just the program in VICE.

    #Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor code

    To assemble and run Word Writer 6, have WWDATA.ASM the current file in Visual Studio Code (Mini DB overlay included) or WW.ASM as the current file (Outliner overlay included) and press CTRL-SHIFT-B. Tasks.json (Visual Studio Code CTRL-SHIFT-B build file to assemble and run) Rundisk.bat (run Word Writer 6 from a D64 file including the program and both overlays)ĮxtractOverlays.ps1 (open the built Word Writer programs and extract the overlays)ĬreateDiskWithOverlays.bat (create a D64 disk of WW6 and the two overlays) Runww6outln.bat (run Word Writer 6 built with the Outliner overlay) Runww6data.bat (run Word Writer 6 built with the Mini Database overlay) NET Core 3 Convert To ACME here is you wish to re-run the conversion to ACME)Īsm.bat (assemble ww6outln.prg and ww6data.prg)

  • Round up: Commodore 64 Text editors and word proce.\converttoacme (publish the.
  • The delete/move/replace/find functions are quite easy to find and operate. At least there is the insert key and a means to "insert" typed text as a special command. The cursor behaves pretty much as it ought to, but I could not find any proper insert mode to see if it delivers.

    #Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor professional

    Looks more professional than most, with indentation and typewriter-style tabs and formatting characters. I believe Novaterm (version 9.6 at the earliest I know of) has an 80-column mode for the C64, which would be helpful with some BBS back in the day. There also was a program called 'POWER80' for that purpose. And yes, I admit I did not use the real Commodore 64 to check these out. So it gives you 13 more columns but the font is much easier to read. I thought about reviewing the functions such as copy/paste, but they are sometimes a bit too difficult to find.

    commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor

    I gave these features a poor-ok-good-excellent ratings. To use these programs at all in today's environment you'd need to be able to a) type quickly, b) insert effectively and c) scroll rapidly to view the document effectively. Check out screenshot, downloads and more info Login. I was mostly interested if the central "typing experience" was good quality or not. Word Processor 3+ (19xx) is a native C64 program by Professional Software. There are also "conversions" of Vi and emacs I ignore for now. What is Writer Writer is the word processor component of (OOo).

    #Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor software

    The desktop publishing software (!) Pagefox also includes an editor. Blue Chip Word Processor by Visiontronics and Professional Software, Inc. I've deliberately excluded one well known program, GeoWrite, because it is so tied to the GEOS setup. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but rather an illustrative one. Word Writer was also bundled with Timeworks. Bank Street Writer - C-64, Apple II, Atari, IBM PC/PC Jr. There were versions of Word Writer for other platforms, including the Commodore 64. computer review software applications (word processing, database. To use TI-Writer, you must have the TI-Writer cartridge (needed to load the disk software) and a TI-99/4A with the 32k RAM and disk expansion options. So perhaps it can be forgiven that around 1983-1984, when the Plus/4 features were decided, there were no great examples around. TI-Writer was the standard word processor for the TI-99/4A. I was surprised to see how old most of these programs are, and thus the problem is not so much the C64 but the fact the programmers had not yet learned much. Well, for most part the programs are not that great, but there are a couple of surprisingly good efforts. The software was originally developed in the early to middle 1980s. I began to wonder "what could be", and the result is a quick look at some Commodore 64 text editors. Print out Labels, Envelopes, Mail List & More Suitable with both Single and Dual Disk Drives. Timeworks Word Writer is a word processing utility for computers including the Commodore 64 and 128. Some time back, I looked at my Commodore Plus/4 computer and the not that great built-in text editor.

    Commodore 64 word writer 5 download word processor